Flintstones to Starwars is a transport theme or inquiry unit that can lend itself to a wide range of inter-connected activities and makes for a great rich topic. As pupils examine, contrast and investigate, they can think through their responses to transport inventions, needs and purposes throughout history and launch from there into future thinking.
Suggested integrating connections: See Journeys unit
Transport Online links Series of hand-screened links from the Internet. Links covering and range of information, integrated unit plans and other sub-topics within this theme. Star rating or *** or **** and rarely ***** are either the newer or better sites.
"Transport " Banner Check out our banner for this topic. Clicking on this link will take you to bannersandawards.com banners section. Click on section called Social Studies (Sciences) and choose the banner from the display. Register free here to get your free download.
Transport Unit See Google Unit plan doc.
Transport Science How do plants transport themselves? How do they transport energy and nutrients? Investigate.
Transport Social Studies Sciences Check out people who have jobs that involve working with the "transport". Put together Powerpoint presentations, digital camera pictures and Video with other display items from your unit.. voile.. a show!
Transport Health & P.E
Transport Technology It's a smaller world because of transport. Explore how, over time, the world has got smaller because of transport technology changes.
Technology Challenge See the Transport Visuals for support in this area. Build a model sail boat. Build a car racer.
Transport Maths 3D Design using Google SketchUp is an idea. Build your own transport.
Transport Business
Transport Gallery Send us digital pictures of your experiences, with a short descriptive paragraph, and we will put them on line. Look to find the parts of a car and explore the 'whole' of what makes a car, truck, van, scooter etc.
Transport Art
Transport English/Language Ideas & links
Transport Sayings
Transport Music/Drama/Dance Summarise aspects of knowledge learned in a drama/video re-enactment.
Transport Daily Activities What transport did we use today coming to school? Graph.
Transport Clipart Not available. Search clipart collections for images required. REspect copyright... draw your own is a great way to go or use a digital camera.
Transport Thinking skills . (Green Hat stuff) What can you do by re-combining different technologies to create a new form or transport.
Transport History See Google Unit plan doc. and Transport Task in the resources column.
Transport Environmental
The interaction between transport and the environment is an ever changing dance, driven by consumption and technology innovation. What new forms of transport are sustainable? What happens when we chop down trees to plants that are harvested for biofuel? What are the alternative fuels already being used in your city? Skype someone in the local council who knows about these things.
Suggested integrating connections: See Journeys unit
Transport Online links Series of hand-screened links from the Internet. Links covering and range of information, integrated unit plans and other sub-topics within this theme. Star rating or *** or **** and rarely ***** are either the newer or better sites.
"Transport " Banner Check out our banner for this topic. Clicking on this link will take you to bannersandawards.com banners section. Click on section called Social Studies (Sciences) and choose the banner from the display. Register free here to get your free download.
Transport Unit See Google Unit plan doc.
Transport Science How do plants transport themselves? How do they transport energy and nutrients? Investigate.
Transport Social Studies Sciences Check out people who have jobs that involve working with the "transport". Put together Powerpoint presentations, digital camera pictures and Video with other display items from your unit.. voile.. a show!
Transport Health & P.E
Transport Technology It's a smaller world because of transport. Explore how, over time, the world has got smaller because of transport technology changes.
Technology Challenge See the Transport Visuals for support in this area. Build a model sail boat. Build a car racer.
Transport Maths 3D Design using Google SketchUp is an idea. Build your own transport.
Transport Business
Transport Gallery Send us digital pictures of your experiences, with a short descriptive paragraph, and we will put them on line. Look to find the parts of a car and explore the 'whole' of what makes a car, truck, van, scooter etc.
Transport Art
Transport English/Language Ideas & links
Transport Sayings
Transport Music/Drama/Dance Summarise aspects of knowledge learned in a drama/video re-enactment.
Transport Daily Activities What transport did we use today coming to school? Graph.
Transport Clipart Not available. Search clipart collections for images required. REspect copyright... draw your own is a great way to go or use a digital camera.
Transport Thinking skills . (Green Hat stuff) What can you do by re-combining different technologies to create a new form or transport.
Transport History See Google Unit plan doc. and Transport Task in the resources column.
Transport Environmental
The interaction between transport and the environment is an ever changing dance, driven by consumption and technology innovation. What new forms of transport are sustainable? What happens when we chop down trees to plants that are harvested for biofuel? What are the alternative fuels already being used in your city? Skype someone in the local council who knows about these things.
Above. This is the banner we have created. Download free from bannersandawards.com. Click on the Social Studies (Sciences) section to view. Requires free registration found here.

Pupil Activities
Inquiry activites
A range of resources I have used within our LMS to guide inquiries or activites within a range of topics.
Unit Activity Plans
ICT infused Inquiry
Unit plans with links to other resources. Includes Key Competencies and acitivity pathways and links to other resources.