My I.C.T motto is, "Learn to Think, Learn to Learn" (available in banner form here - click on "Thinking and Learning" section) because I see that apart from values teaching, empowering pupils with thinking skills and habits is vital.
These resources cover a range of the current thinking styles and forms and will provide you with a handy range of blackline and coloured masters ready to print.
Keeping to to KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) I usually focus learning around the idea of FAT questions to enliven a sense of wonder and awe in children. FAT questions are simply ones that force us to "think/ wonder" about our world. FAT questions should help us see connections, patterns, differences and similarities around us an in our world. FAT questions are not about a whole lot of details and information, but how we are thinking about that information. (See FAT questions PDF) FAT questions are those that come from the higher end of Blooms Taxonomy (Creating, Evaluating, Analysing- see section below). Integrated learning resources/ rich tasks and thematic units will support learning in a deeper thinking environment.
General Resources/ Overviews
Thinking Map.ins (.pdf version), Overview of how a pupil at the school may turn out like.ins (.pdf version), Thinking Maps and Charts zipped.doc (Range of thinking charts/resources.pdf version Page1, Page 2), Thinking Skills Overview.ins (.pdf version), Open Compare and Contrast Chart.pdf,
de Bono's 6 Hats Thinking Resources
6 Hat Summary A3 Poster, 6 Hat Training workshop support resources, de bono award certificates and posters here, Black Hat Coloured Poster.pdf, Black Hat (B/W) Poster.pdf, Blue Hat Coloured Poster.pdf, Blue Hat (B/W) Poster.pdf, Green Hat Coloured Poster.pdf, Green Hat (B/W) Poster.pdf, Red Hat Coloured Poster.pdf, Red Hat (B/W) Poster.pdf, White Hat Coloured Poster.pdf, Yellow Hat Coloured Poster.pdf, Yellow Hat (B/W) Poster.pdf
See also: Online deBono Interactive activities
Bloom's Taxonomy
Blooms Taxonomy Wall Display Chart.pdf, Blooms Taxonomy Posters.pdf, Combined Blooms and Creating Questions (1Page).pdf
View STEPS an information literacy system
Information Literacy
Information Literacy A section of our web devoted to helping develop digital natives through skills and our STEPS information Literacy Programme.
Interactive WhiteBoard Resources (IWB Promethean ActivBoard)
See these IWB Resources below on on their dedicated page.
These resources cover a range of the current thinking styles and forms and will provide you with a handy range of blackline and coloured masters ready to print.
Keeping to to KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) I usually focus learning around the idea of FAT questions to enliven a sense of wonder and awe in children. FAT questions are simply ones that force us to "think/ wonder" about our world. FAT questions should help us see connections, patterns, differences and similarities around us an in our world. FAT questions are not about a whole lot of details and information, but how we are thinking about that information. (See FAT questions PDF) FAT questions are those that come from the higher end of Blooms Taxonomy (Creating, Evaluating, Analysing- see section below). Integrated learning resources/ rich tasks and thematic units will support learning in a deeper thinking environment.
General Resources/ Overviews
Thinking Map.ins (.pdf version), Overview of how a pupil at the school may turn out like.ins (.pdf version), Thinking Maps and Charts zipped.doc (Range of thinking charts/resources.pdf version Page1, Page 2), Thinking Skills Overview.ins (.pdf version), Open Compare and Contrast Chart.pdf,
de Bono's 6 Hats Thinking Resources
6 Hat Summary A3 Poster, 6 Hat Training workshop support resources, de bono award certificates and posters here, Black Hat Coloured Poster.pdf, Black Hat (B/W) Poster.pdf, Blue Hat Coloured Poster.pdf, Blue Hat (B/W) Poster.pdf, Green Hat Coloured Poster.pdf, Green Hat (B/W) Poster.pdf, Red Hat Coloured Poster.pdf, Red Hat (B/W) Poster.pdf, White Hat Coloured Poster.pdf, Yellow Hat Coloured Poster.pdf, Yellow Hat (B/W) Poster.pdf
See also: Online deBono Interactive activities
Bloom's Taxonomy
Blooms Taxonomy Wall Display Chart.pdf, Blooms Taxonomy Posters.pdf, Combined Blooms and Creating Questions (1Page).pdf
View STEPS an information literacy system
Information Literacy
Information Literacy A section of our web devoted to helping develop digital natives through skills and our STEPS information Literacy Programme.
Interactive WhiteBoard Resources (IWB Promethean ActivBoard)
See these IWB Resources below on on their dedicated page.
Photography Tips
Taking great photos
Internet Reading
How to Read a Page
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