Suggested integrating connections: Look at the concepts/patterns of the "big" and "small" in each subject area. Contrast is part of this.
Inspiration Mindmaps None yet.
Small Information Not available yet
Small Online Activities None available yet.
Small Online links Series of hand-screened links from the Internet. Links covering and range of information, integrated unit plans and other sub-topics within this theme. When you visit the favourites collection page, type in "small" or a specific subset keyword i.e. "insects", "seeds" or "micro" to get the best links. Star rating or *** or **** and rarely ***** are either the newer or better sites.
Small Resources & Planning Integrated unit for Small study. Zipped file with a series of resources.
"Small" Banner Check out our banner for this topic. Check out our banner for this topic. Clicking on this link will take you to bannersandawards.com banners section. Click on science section and choose the flight banner from the display. Register free here to get your free download.
Small Science Seeds: From small grows tall
Insects: small but powerful.. Ants.. how do they do it? Microbes.. the world of almost invisible.
Spiders: Check out our Spider activities for ICT Spider Body Parts.ins (Inspiration File), Spider Not Spider(Mac).zip, Spider Not spider activity(Word).zip
Look at atoms.. we are all made from the same small!
Microscope/Proscope or Digital Camera on Macro: Look at photos of the "small world". Investigate with proscope a part of the world small and report back on.. fabric, fibres, plant life, animal life.
Environment: Look at ways for us to use the smallest amount of water, electricity.. i.e. to conserve
Small Social Studies A look at small businesses.. why has this type of business grown rapidly in the last few years? Interview owners. Establish a "small" business. Check out people who have jobs that involve working with the "small". Put together Powerpoint presentations, digital camera pictures and Video with other display items from your unit.. voile.. a show!
Small Health & P.E Short people got nobody... is this true, what does the song say about people in general? What does it mean when people try to cut down the "tall poppies"? Why do short people sometimes seem to be the meanest bullies? Many people try to get rid of small imperfections on their face and body ~ examine this.
Check out Genes - the small codes that tell us what we are to be like
Sport: In what sports are smaller players better? What advantages to smaller players have over bigger ones and vice versa? Look at training/coaching aspects where equipment goes from big to small as learners develop, while coaching techniques often use from small space to larger space. The small split seconds or decreases in a winning time.
Small Technology It's a small world.. Why do people say the world is getting smaller is it a good thing? Research an invention that has gotten smaller! How is this good? What are the benefits and problems..do a PMI
Technology Challenge 1. Which group can make the smallest kite that can fly.. concepts of lightness, careful use of materials come into play. 2. Create a container that will hold an ice-cube. The team that has the least amount of melted water after 30 mins in the container is the winner!
Small Maths Scale, ratio, small-smaller-smallest, measurement, surveys and information gathering (statistics, graphing) as you present information on your "small" topic
Hexagons in a close-packed world. Hexagons Forever! Look at the whole concept of packaging and use of space. How is packing people into space used by airlines, bus companies, trains etc.. what are the PMI's about this.
Small Business finance, budgets, financial planning, costs and accounts
Small Gallery Send us digital pictures of your experiences, with a short descriptive paragraph, and we will put them on line
Small Art Media Focus for Small: Look at concepts of how to make items smaller or larger using angles, and other techniques. Exaggeration is another possibility. How to make small look big.. advertising.
Miniature Paintings/Sculptures. Look at these art forms. What are the special challenges in producing such work? Why do people do it?
Models: Look into building models (planes cars etc).
Look at special effects models in the film industry. Creating the small to represent the large.
Bonsai- The art of shaping miniature trees.. just right for the naturalist. why not have someone in to talk to the class and start a few that can be tended while the unit progresses
Check out our digital pictures of small... why not create a puzzle with them on take your own and present them?
Small English/Language Ideas & links Write on: Be a big fish in a small pond.. look at this and other sayings. Write about how people can make you feel "small". Words and synonyms that convey the word "small"... micro...tiny etc. Write about that small place you like to hide or go.
Hobbits in Lord of the Rings.. check them out.. study the film book from the roles that they have to play
Small Sayings
Read On: Stories to think about: Tom Thumb
Small Music/Drama/Dance See integrated unit. Summarise aspects of knowledge learned in a drama/video re-enactment. Use the concepts of motion, especially "large" vrs "small"to create music and dance combination.
Small Daily Activities Use of "small" groups, small steps of a process to create a product i.e. the information process. More still Coming
Small Teacher/ Learning Resources
Not Available
Small Clipart Not available. Search clipart collections for images required.
Small Thinking skills Small ideas are great ideas.. try to create a new small idea everyday.. (Green Hat stuff)
Small - a Wider vision Don't try to get the log out of another persons eye until you get the splinter out of yours.
Small History Not available