On this page is an overview of how we make our choices, NZ Sites Comment, How we classify, Freeware Warning, and Copyright Information.
What to find out what in2edu is all about, it's background, or just want to see what the author of the site is like..... check out this information on the page.. all about.
Works in a friendly way (uses windows, mouse, menus). Follows OS conventions.
Windows/graphics and menus are clear and easy to use (semi-professional looking)
You would use it in your class!
When trying out any software it is good to test it on one machine before putting it on others so that you check out any possible conflicts with existing software that you might have. It is even better if you have taken a disc image of your installation before testing any software.
Freeware Warning!! Some freeware uses software like Aureate to send information about you and to link into on-line adds. This means they may broadcast to your proxy server, or send information about your computer/preferences while on-line. The ones we are providing are "Spyware free"... look for this.
We suggest you use spyware removal software to check your system if using Windows (MacOSX computers have no spyware problems at this stage). Virus and Spyware Reviews & PC Magazine Reviews
I had to make a specific section as I am a dinkum kiwi!
We have placed a large number of New Zealand links in our database and even devoted a special section to exploring education in New Zealand.
New Zealand educators have placed some of the best teaching resources on-line in the world... check out this site!
Delicious Educational Links Database Criteria Entry - How we classify Click Here
We do not own or control all the facilities that may determine the successful provision of our services. This includes the Internet, Internet service provider connections and your computers. In using our services you agree to make sure that all information that you give us is correct and complete. You agree not to use the service to breach anyone else's rights or to break the law.
Copyright Reproduction of any material from In2Edu is governed by standard copyright regulations. Permission is granted for material from the web site or e-newspaper to be copied or electronically distributed within a single school, providing it does not contravene other conditions in this agreement. No material may be copied whole or in part in any form or medium for commercial purposes without the express written permission of In2Edu. You may not distribute any copyright materials to other schools in paper or electronic form. Pass on our link to them and allow them to take the required materials from our website themselves.
How we use Personal Information If you register for our free subscription services, or submit a request to us, you authorise us to hold information about you in our database. We will use this information for statistical analysis and to provide services to you and for our own internal marketing and research purposes. We undertake not to pass on your email address(es) or any other personal information we hold about you or your organisation, to any other party. Under the provisions of the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993 you may request access to and correction of your personal information. Access to your personal information is available at any time from the webmaster. You can withdraw membership at any time: click here : All personal details will be immediately deleted.
Liability Limits By using our services you do so at your sole risk. We do not warrant that our service will be uninterrupted or error-free. We distribute our service on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. In particular, we are not liable to you for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any kind. These damages include but are not limited to computer or software failure or malfunction or any other damage or loss. Your exclusive remedy against us is to cancel your subscription.
Overview of how We make our Choices
All our links are selected by a current teacher with Bachelor of Education. Currently he is teaching in schools specialising in the use of ICT.Link Submission Criteria
The links on this site are compiled and updated by In2Edu's Education Specialist. We follow these seven criteria.- Authority: Who created the site and what are their credentials?
- Affiliation: Who provided the information? Can I link to the homepage? Is the information biased by commercial or provider affiliation?
- Content: Suitable quality and content for education purposes. This assumes that a suitable Internet policy is in place by the school. Not purely commercial site. Is there content or is it an advertisement? Is the information objective? Is it helpful? Is it easy to follow or navigate? Offers material not available elsewhere
- Purpose: Is it an educational site with a emphasis on free access. Does it have original content?
- Audience: Who is this resource geared toward; teachers, students, etc? Is the information appropriate for its intended audience?
- Currency: How old is the information? When was the page created or last updated?
- Comparisons: How does the information compare to other electronic and print sources? Is it accurate and well written?
What to find out what in2edu is all about, it's background, or just want to see what the author of the site is like..... check out this information on the page.. all about.
Software Criteria
Accomplishes a useful task - especially has educational value.. not just time filling!Works in a friendly way (uses windows, mouse, menus). Follows OS conventions.
Windows/graphics and menus are clear and easy to use (semi-professional looking)
You would use it in your class!
When trying out any software it is good to test it on one machine before putting it on others so that you check out any possible conflicts with existing software that you might have. It is even better if you have taken a disc image of your installation before testing any software.
Freeware Warning!! Some freeware uses software like Aureate to send information about you and to link into on-line adds. This means they may broadcast to your proxy server, or send information about your computer/preferences while on-line. The ones we are providing are "Spyware free"... look for this.
We suggest you use spyware removal software to check your system if using Windows (MacOSX computers have no spyware problems at this stage). Virus and Spyware Reviews & PC Magazine Reviews
I had to make a specific section as I am a dinkum kiwi!
We have placed a large number of New Zealand links in our database and even devoted a special section to exploring education in New Zealand.
New Zealand educators have placed some of the best teaching resources on-line in the world... check out this site!
Delicious Educational Links Database Criteria Entry - How we classify Click Here
Copyright Information
Using Our ServicesWe do not own or control all the facilities that may determine the successful provision of our services. This includes the Internet, Internet service provider connections and your computers. In using our services you agree to make sure that all information that you give us is correct and complete. You agree not to use the service to breach anyone else's rights or to break the law.
Copyright Reproduction of any material from In2Edu is governed by standard copyright regulations. Permission is granted for material from the web site or e-newspaper to be copied or electronically distributed within a single school, providing it does not contravene other conditions in this agreement. No material may be copied whole or in part in any form or medium for commercial purposes without the express written permission of In2Edu. You may not distribute any copyright materials to other schools in paper or electronic form. Pass on our link to them and allow them to take the required materials from our website themselves.
How we use Personal Information If you register for our free subscription services, or submit a request to us, you authorise us to hold information about you in our database. We will use this information for statistical analysis and to provide services to you and for our own internal marketing and research purposes. We undertake not to pass on your email address(es) or any other personal information we hold about you or your organisation, to any other party. Under the provisions of the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993 you may request access to and correction of your personal information. Access to your personal information is available at any time from the webmaster. You can withdraw membership at any time: click here : All personal details will be immediately deleted.
Liability Limits By using our services you do so at your sole risk. We do not warrant that our service will be uninterrupted or error-free. We distribute our service on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. In particular, we are not liable to you for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any kind. These damages include but are not limited to computer or software failure or malfunction or any other damage or loss. Your exclusive remedy against us is to cancel your subscription.