Tourism theme or inquiry unit that can lend itself to a wide range of inter-connected activities and makes for a great rich topic at both a local and international level. As pupils examine, contrast and investigate, they can think through their responses to development, needs and purposes throughout history and launch from there into their current world and future. Most pupils will have experienced some form of tourism.
Suggested integrating connections:
Tourism Online links Series of hand-screened links from the Internet. Links covering and range of information, integrated unit plans and other sub-topics within this theme. Star rating or *** or **** and rarely ***** are either the newer or better sites.
"Tourism " Banner Check out our banner for this topic. Clicking on this link will take you to bannersandawards.com banners section. Click on science section and choose the flight banner from the display. Register free here to get your free download.
Tourism Unit See Google Unit plan doc.
Tourism Science
Tourism Social Studies Sciences
Tourism Health & P.E
Tourism Technology
Tourism Technology Challenge
Transport Maths
Transport Business
Transport Gallery Send us digital pictures of your experiences, with a short descriptive paragraph, and we will put them on line.
Tourism Art
Tourism English/Language Ideas & links
Tourism Sayings
Tourism Music/Drama/Dance Summarise aspects of knowledge and thinking learned in a drama/video re-enactment.
Tourism Daily Activities
Tourism Clipart Not available. Search clipart collections for images required. REspect copyright... draw your own is a great way to go or use a digital camera.
Tourism Thinking skills (Green Hat stuff) Can you think of a new way to promote a local attraction? Can you see a local attraction that is not on the "tourist" routes? What makes it special? Can you promote this?
Tourism History See Google Unit plan doc.
Tourism Environmental
Suggested integrating connections:
Tourism Online links Series of hand-screened links from the Internet. Links covering and range of information, integrated unit plans and other sub-topics within this theme. Star rating or *** or **** and rarely ***** are either the newer or better sites.
"Tourism " Banner Check out our banner for this topic. Clicking on this link will take you to bannersandawards.com banners section. Click on science section and choose the flight banner from the display. Register free here to get your free download.
Tourism Unit See Google Unit plan doc.
Tourism Science
Tourism Social Studies Sciences
Tourism Health & P.E
Tourism Technology
Tourism Technology Challenge
Transport Maths
Transport Business
Transport Gallery Send us digital pictures of your experiences, with a short descriptive paragraph, and we will put them on line.
Tourism Art
Tourism English/Language Ideas & links
Tourism Sayings
Tourism Music/Drama/Dance Summarise aspects of knowledge and thinking learned in a drama/video re-enactment.
Tourism Daily Activities
Tourism Clipart Not available. Search clipart collections for images required. REspect copyright... draw your own is a great way to go or use a digital camera.
Tourism Thinking skills (Green Hat stuff) Can you think of a new way to promote a local attraction? Can you see a local attraction that is not on the "tourist" routes? What makes it special? Can you promote this?
Tourism History See Google Unit plan doc.
Tourism Environmental
Compare Contrast
Thinking Activity PDF
Compare two tourist destinations, over a range of categories, to discover patterns of similarites and differences.
Tourism Flipchart
PDF export
This is an export from an original flipchart for ActivBoard IWB. Some of the intended interactively is lost of course.
Tourism Resource
PDF Notes Tourism NZ
Has historical and modern notes on tourism in NZ. Activity suggestions. Will give you ideas for a similar resource for your country, or comparison notes to investigate NZ tourism.
Costs and Benefits
Mindmap PDF
Costs and Benefits Mindmap for Tourism. This is an activity where pupils can re-organise thinking bubbles into the correct parts and whole.
Costs and Benefits
Mindmap Answers PDF
Costs and Benefits Mindmap for Tourism. This the answers to the activity where pupils can re-organise thinking bubbles into the correct parts and whole.
Tourism Mindmap
Tourism Whole and Parts
PDF Mindmap that sets out the topics with links to the subsets.
Costs and Benefits
Original Inspiration file
Produced with the program, Inspiration, this file can be opened and used in its original form. Get pupils to organise and link correctly.
Costs and Benefits
Answers Inspiration File
Costs and Benefits Mindmap for Tourism. This the answers to the activity where pupils can re-organise thinking bubbles into the correct parts and whole. Produced with the program, Inspiration.
Tourism Mindmap
Tourism Whole and Parts
Mindmap for Tourism. Produced with the program, Inspiration.
Tourism Unit Plan
PDF Version
An older resource, but has a great deal of ideas and activities for you to ultilise.
Travel Guide
PDF version of Movie
Ideas for exemplar use to "promote" a destination based on inquiry. See also the movie towards the bottom of this page.
Above. This is the banner we have created. Download free from bannersandawards.com. Click on the Social Studies (Sciences) section to view. Requires free registration found here.