A theme looking at our online life and who we are in relationship and connection with others.
The "Cyber-Digital-Citizenship" Theme can range into a lot of different curriculum areas with a focus on the key competencies of self-management.
Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Activities: Cyber-Citizenship offline Activities - cards to practice being Cyber Safe and to spot scams (PDF 4MB).
Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Online Bookmarks: Series of screened "Cyber-Citizenship" links from the Internet. Links covering and range of information, integrated unit plans and other sub-topics within this theme.
Star rating or *** or **** and rarely ***** are either the newer or better sites.
Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Unit Online Google Doc ICT Integrated unit This is a unit being developed for our cyber-citizenship programme. Also has a range of other integrated units, activities and lesson plans.
Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Banner Check out our banner for this topic. This link will take you to Cyber-Citizenship and Cyber Safety banner, this link will take you to our cyber-citizenship and cyber-safety posters. Register free here to get your free download.
Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Unit: Interactive mindmap covering cyber-citizenship, LMS Inquiry Task (Google Doc.. has a range of other inquiry outlines in it)
Cyberv-Citizenship Science:
Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Social Studies/Sciences: Put together Powerpoint presentations, digital camera pictures and Video with other display items from your unit.. voile.. a show! See the unit plan above for more activities.
Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Health & P.E:
See the unit plan above for activities.
Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Technology: None available yet.
Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Maths: None available yet.
Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Gallery: Send us digital pictures of your experiences, with a short descriptive paragraph, and we will put them on line.
Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Art: There is a lot of persuasion involved within this topic. Create a poster that persuades people on an issue to do with Cyber-Citizenship.
Look for the use of POV in art (angles etc.)
Cyber-Digital-Citizenship English/Language Ideas & links: See unit plan above.
Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Music/Drama/Dance: See unit plan above, which outlines drama and video ideas for the theme.
Cyber-Digital-Citizenship Daily Activities: Still Coming.

Poster form available
Available in PDF form through our sister site. Click on the image to visit our resource site. Download from the I.C.T. section. Requires free registration.
Comment Making
Write great comments
This resource gives pupils tips and starters on how to write great comments as part of a digital-citizenship course.
Digital Citizenship
Poster form
Available in PDF form through our sister site. Click on the image to visit our resource site. Download from the I.C.T. section. Requires free registration.
Cyber Citizenship
Poster form available
Available in PDF form through our sister site. Click on the image to visit our resource site. Download from the I.C.T. section. Requires free registration.
Pamphlet in PDF form.
Digital Citizenship
Pamphlet in PDF form.
Digital Citizenship Student
Five aspects of Digital Citizenship
Combing ideas from around the web this resource brings together some of the best thinking on what Digital Citizenship means.
Home Digital Contract
A sample home contract.
Suggestions for what could be in a home contract for digital device use. Great for 1 to 1 programmes.
Scenario Cards
Test out your skills offiline
A range of cards that cover scams, emails, social situations, networks, cyber safety, and much more on the Digital Citizenship topic.
Write a Blog
Tips and ideas for writing blogs and commenting on others.
Available in PDF form through our sister site. Click on the image to visit our resource site. Requires free registration.
Pupil Activities
Inquiry activites
A range of resources I have used within our LMS to guide inquiries or activites within a range of topics.
Unit Activity Plans
ICT infused Inquiry
Unit plans with links to other resources. Includes Key Competencies and acitivity pathways and links to other resources.